Are you looking for a new professional challenge and would like to realize it within the Roth Group? From time to time, we are looking for new qualified and committed employees (m/f/d) for all company divisions who will actively support us in the further development of our company.
Even if we do not currently have a vacancy of interest to you, we look forward to receiving your informative speculative application.
It is important that your application clearly states the position, job type or area of application in which you are interested. The more complete your job-related details are, the better we will be able to check whether you are suitable for a position within our group of companies.
Send us your complete application documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae in table form, copies of degrees obtained to date, certificates, etc.), if possible by e-mail in PDF format or by post to:
Roth Industries GmbH & Co. KG
Human Resources Management
Michael Donges
Am Seerain 2
35232 Dautphetal
phone +49 6466/922-153
e-mail bewerbung@
Information on data protection for applicants can be found here.