Roth Industries


Hessen Champions - Finalist "Jobmotor"

November 2022

In Wiesbaden, the companies of Roth Industries have been honored as finalists in the "Hessen Champions" competition for their commitment to creating jobs and training positions. In the "Job Motor" category, Roth Industries moved into the final round along with two other Hessian companies. "This is a great success and a great tribute to the employer quality of all Roth companies," said the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Roth Industries, Matthias Donges, at the award ceremony in the Kurhaus in Wiesbaden. At the same time, he congratulated the company Energiesysteme Groß from Niestetal on winning the title of "Hesse Champion".

EcoVadis Silver medal for sustainable engagement

November 2022

Roth Werke took the EcoVadis assessment for sustainable corporate management for the first time in 2022. With 61 out of 100 possible points, the manufacturer of energy and sanitary systems achieved the silver medal in its first attempt. This puts Roth in the top 20 percent of the 90,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis. The EcoVadis scorecard shows this result and demonstrates the company's sustainability performance to business partners in the rating provider's global network.

Commitment to environmental protection again honored by Focus magazine

October 2022

Roth Werke has once again been awarded the top rating of "Excellent" for its climate commitment. In October 2022, the news magazine "Focus" presented in its special edition "FOR OUR PLANET_Top Klima-Engagement" a total of 216 German companies that stand out for their commitment on the way to climate neutrality. In the "Industry and Manufacturing" group, Roth-Werke received top scores in all four categories examined.

German world market leader

Since 2021

Series "Lexicon of German World Market Leaders": Roth Industries GmbH & Co. KG is a leader in the field of energy storage systems, surface heating and cooling systems and composite technologies.

60 years for the family business: IHK Lahn-Dill honors Manfred Roth

January 2021

Manfred Roth celebrated his 60th anniversary as an entrepreneur in 2021. Eberhard Flammer, President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Lahn-Dill, and IHK Chief Executive Burghard Loewe congratulated on this extraordinary event and presented a certificate of honor "for 60 years of successful and exemplary entrepreneurship" in the Manfred Roth Atrium in Dautphetal-Buchenau.

Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses

September 2019

The Oskar Patzelt Foundation honored the family-owned company Roth Industries from Dautphetal twice. Already in September, the company received the "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes". In addition, on October 19, 2019, the foundation surprised the management with the honorary plaque, with which it honored four outstanding companies in Germany. The award ceremonies were each held in Würzburg as part of a gala.