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Donation creates space for human care - Shareholder family of the Roth Industries company donates 10,000 euros to the Gladenbach Diakonie station

The Roth Industries family of shareholders handed over a donation of 10,000 euros to the Gladenbach Diakonie station. In the 75th anniversary year of the Roth companies, the amount is intended to support "a beneficial activity for our region", the family members emphasised when handing over the donation to the Managing Director of Nursing Services, Ralf Kuntscher.

The professionals of the Gladenbach Diakonie currently provide home care for around 350 people. "The need is growing," Ralf Kuntscher reported, "more and more people are living alone, and often our staff are the only link to the outside world that our clients still have." In addition to the purely "functional" tasks such as personal hygiene, he said, it is precisely in these cases that the care workers are in demand as conversation partners or for support with formalities: "This corresponds to our diaconal claim. That is how we want to work, and that is how we work," Ralf Kuntscher emphasised. At the same time, however, these important tasks are largely not covered by health insurance benefits. "That is why we are so grateful for donations, because they enable us to create scope for more human care.


Manfred Roth, Heike Roth, Claus-Hinrich Roth, Christin Roth-Jäger and Dr. Anne-Kathrin Roth thanked the managing director of nursing services, Ralf Kuntscher, for the "beneficial work that is done here for the people in the region". The dedicated work of the nursing staff, who are often confronted with very difficult situations, brings "a great deal of humanity to our homes." He said it was good to know that the donation to the Gladenbach deaconry would reach where it was needed: "Just as your help often reaches people who are dependent on this help and have no one else."